Model | Size | Tractor |
K-Monitor | 7'' | M7001 & M7002 ISOBUS |
All tractor functionalities at your fingertips:
Universal Terminal
Driver display information:
This can be you your first step into Precision Farming:
Free of charge features:
The K-Monitor offers a lot of different functionalities:
Kubota and AEF
The AEF wishes to provide the necessary resources and appropriate know-how so that important technical challenges concerning electronic and electrical systems in agricultural technology and farming can be jointly addressed by their industry.
Objectives of the AEF
Za nadaljne informacije ali osebni nasvet nam pošljite povpraševanje z uporabo kontaktnega obrazca in kontaktirali vas bomo.
Lahko pa nas seveda kontaktirate tudi neposredno po telefonu ali obiščete enega od naših distribucijskih centrov Esch-Technik.