Esch-Technik - Slovenia
Pooblaščeni Kubota Prodajalec
Model Variants
Model Size Tractor
K-Monitor 7'' M7001 & M7002 ISOBUS


Tractor Functionalities
Tractor Functionalities

All tractor functionalities at your fingertips:

  • All tractor settings are always displayed on the right part of the K-Monitor
  • Easy shortcut switches provide access to all tractor functionalities and all GEOCONTROL and ISOBUS implements:

    • Linkage
    • PTO
    • Hydraulics
    • Engine/Transmission
    • Front wheels drive and differential
    • Head Land Management
    • Tractor informations
    • Isobus

Working Screen
Working Screen

Universal Terminal

  • K-Monitor Pro is an ISOBUS universal terminal used to control all ISOBUS implements, as well as all the tractor settings.
  • The main working screen allows a clear view and manipulation of all settings.


Driver display information:

  • All the informations which are needed for the driver can be displayed with the help of the shortcut switches which are located on the right part of the K-Monitor.
  • Those switches allow a fast and easy switching between two functions.


This can be you your first step into Precision Farming:

  • K-Monitor makes it easy to control any ISOBUS machine from your tractor cab.
  • K-Monitor GEOCONTROL enables you to achieve higher yields, lower costs and do your work with less hassle. 
  • For more information about GEOCONTROL functionalities (Section control and Variable rate) go to the Optimization parts.


Free of charge features:

  • K-Monitor GEOCONTROL - Data Management: all application and field data can be exchanged between your farm management system and K-Monitor GEOCONTROL via a USB stick.
  • Field reports are available for ISOBUS and non-ISOBUS machines.
  • Manual guidance: For more information about guidance solutions go to the Optimization parts.

Multi-Function Terminal
Multi-Function Terminal

The K-Monitor offers a lot of different functionalities:

  • Universal Terminal: Works with all certified ISOBUS implements
  • Tractor settings: All tractor functions can be adjusted
  • Camera: Up to four cameras
  • Traceability: Import and export the tasks done
  • GEOCONTROL: Section control and Variable rate
  • Guidance: Manual or automatic guidance

ISOBUS Certification ISO11783 AEF
ISOBUS Certification ISO11783 AEF

Kubota and AEF

The AEF wishes to provide the necessary resources and appropriate know-how so that important technical challenges concerning electronic and electrical systems in agricultural technology and farming can be jointly addressed by their industry.


Objectives of the AEF

  • Establishment and continuation of the international development and expansion of electronic and electrical technology as well as implementation of electronic standards
  • To coordinate international cooperation in AG electronics technology
  • To build synergistic partnerships between AG equipment manufacturers for the benefit of equipment users
  • To coordinate technical improvements (ISOBUS) including management and enhancement of certification tests
  • To organize certification support, training, workshops, marketing activities and consulting relating to any AG electronics international standards

Kontaktirajte nas

Za nadaljne informacije ali osebni nasvet nam pošljite povpraševanje z uporabo kontaktnega obrazca in kontaktirali vas bomo.
Lahko pa nas seveda kontaktirate tudi neposredno po telefonu ali obiščete enega od naših distribucijskih centrov Esch-Technik.

Prosim preverite preden potrdite obrazec

Zahvaljujemo se vam za registracijo. V kratkem se vam oglasimo.

Ups. Nekaj je šlo narobe.

Zgodila se je napaka pri pošiljanju obrazca. Prosimo poskusite še enkrat.

To polje je obvezno
To polje je obvezno
To polje je obvezno Uporabite veljaven e-poštni naslov.
To polje je obvezno Posodobite na potrjeno obliko telefonske številke.
To polje je obvezno
Zahvaljujemo se vam za oddajo prijave

Esch-Technik - Slovenia


Klagenfurter Straße 129
St. Veit an der Glan, 9300

Obratovalni čas
07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
07:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:00

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